Cholera Outbreak in Malawi

Please join us in praying today for the people of Malawi. There is a growing outbreak of Cholera in Malawi. It has now reached our community in Dowa. We've had 4 patients come into the health center in the past 24 hours. The large cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe are experiencing many cases and as a result have not opened schools today. Please pray for wisdom on the part of people and families. Pray for resources like chlorine tablets, IV fluids and antibiotics to be distributed and available for purchase. Some of these supplies are becoming more difficult to find. Pray for our staff as they are working hard to inform our community and distribute chlorine in the effected areas. Our school is open and students have returned from their holiday.

Let me take a moment to thank our donors who gave so generously for our water system. THANK YOU! We are relieved of so much worry in this situation because our water sources are clean. Thank you all for praying! I'll have more information on our response later today as we are putting together our needs and budget after receiving supplies from the district hospital today.

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